july 2004
wednesday, 14th
hmmmmmm... of course i didn't do anything after i returned from brazil... well, at least nothing that concerned the band... i did finish the demo recordings for the b-side of the new album, and (belive me) the a-side is running up and down my head again and again, but there's neither time nor money for recording at the moment...
there is something new here... first of all i updated all the audiofiles and i also decided to put up one complete audiofile per month... this month it's "the imaginary town", which will open the b-side of our next imaginary album... remember, as long as i at least SOMETIMES update this website, there's still hope...
all the audiofiles are encoded now in MP3PRO (64 kbps), a useful tool which helps me save lots of webspace... you can get an mp3pro player for free at http://www.mp3prozone.com/download.htm...
there might be some changes in personnel too...
and there have been significant changes in the band's life... gregor's girlfriend gave birth to a bouncing baby boy in october last year, and i'll be a dad really soon too... my wife's belly is growing and growing and the doctor said that she'll give birth this weekend... we know that it'll be a boy and his name will be robert...
well, i hope that i'll feel more strength and necessity to maintain this website a little more frequently than i did the last year... keep tuned :-)...